WCF the Manual Way…the Right Way

Miguel A. Castro has a rather good article over at devx.com concerning best practices when developing WCF applications. 

Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET 3.0 extensions for Visual Studio 2005 add several new templates that simplify creating .NET 3.0 items such as WPF forms, Workflows, and WCF services. Developers have used templates such as these since the beginning of time to create traditional application elements such as Windows Forms, Web Forms, and User Controls—so you might think that these templates are equally great. Unfortunately, creating WCF projects or project items come with more baggage than you can imagine. They also don’t exactly promote some best practices when designing WCF services…

In it he describes the wizards are perhaps not the best thing in the long term due to the tight coupling, code duplication and poor code reuse produced.  His alternative addresses these issues so much so I followed his example in a recent project I was fiddling with.

Well done Miguel!

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